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          Morro de São Paulo   Phone +55 75 3652 1551
          Salvador   reservas@rotatropical.tur.br

Morro de Sao Paulo

...a village with no cars, an island where there are no banks and no worries. A place with an intense nightlife and paradisaical beaches. You will find that in Morro de Sao Paulo, located in the Tinharé island, just about 60 kilometers south of Salvador, Bahia. To get there you must travel 2 hours by catamaran boat or take an air-taxi, a small plane with capacity for about 6 people.

Some of the beaches of Morro de Sao Paulo are named due to their order in the coast. The First Beach is very close to the village and become very popular between the villagers. The Second Beach is all about partying. There are people playing capoeira, frescobol and soccer during the day and having party all night long. In the Third Beach you can take a boat to visit neighbor islands. The Fourth Beach is very peaceful, quite like the Gamboa Beach. It is also surrounded by ecological paradises: Praia do Encanto, Garapuá, and the neighbor island of Boipeba. Read more...

Morro de Sao Paulo
Morro de Sao Paulo
Morro de Sao Paulo

...your local connection

Rota Tropical is a member of World Hotel Link, a sustainable tourism network of more than eighty countries, and your local connection in Morro de São Paulo, Itacaré and Salvador Hotel. See also our local connections in: Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Superagui, Ilha do Mel, Morretes and Antonina.


:: Hotel and pousada in Morro de São Paulo Hotels in Morro de Sao Paulo

At Rota Tropical you can choose the best hotels and pousadas on Morro de Sao Paulo, book your room with no extra charge and get a free day trip by boat!

There has never been so much information
about a destination in a single place!
Here you will find pretty much everything you need about Morro de Sao Paulo! From road maps to boat schedules.
Morro de Sao Paulo   Morro de Sao Paulo
  Morro de Sao Paulo

:: Reading Inventives

Rota Tropical keeps a small library for tourists and the community of Morro de Sao Paulo. The greatest beneficiaries are the island children, who can now enjoy the child's section. You can also donate books by sending them through:
Cx Postal 226, CEP 45400-970, Valença - BA

  Crianças de Morro de São Paulo

:: Preservation tax and port tax of Morro de São Paulo

Visitors must pay an 'island preservation tax' of R$ 15 upon arrival, regardless of how long they plan to stay in Morro de Sao Paulo. Funds are used primarily for waste disposal. When leaving the island there is a R$ 0.62 tax at the port, unrelated to the preservation tax. This tax is due to use the docks and it is also collected at Gamboa, Atracadouro and Valença ports.

We spent our last vacation at Morro de Sao Paulo. The place is fabulous! The beaches are gorgeous… the people are great! We loved it!

Carol and Isa

See our Guest Book

  Morro de Sao Paulo


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